Company address overview

To complete the company registration process, you will have to provide a variety of addresses on the application form to allow Company Formations to prepare the necessary company registration documents:

  • Registered office address.
  • Postal address.
  • E-mail address.

This information will be recorded on the list of company addresses and is available for the public after company registration.

Registered office address

This is the most important company address you will have to think about. It will be the official home address, or headquarters, of your company.

Requirements, restrictions and options

  • Must be situated in the jurisdiction in which you register your company i.e in Zimbabwe.
  • You cannot change the jurisdiction of your registered office at any time, but you can easily move your registered office to a different address if it remains in Zimbabwe.
  • Address details will be made available to the public on the Companies Registry official register of companies.
  • Must be a physical address.
  • You may use a private residential address as a registered office, or you can use a professional commercial address to protect the privacy of your home. Remember: your registered office details will appear on public record.
  • The principal purpose of a registered office address is to receive statutory and legal company mail from the Companies Registry and ZIMRA. The type of mail you can expect to receive includes: income tax information and notices; reminders to file annual returns and annual accounts; notices to deliver tax returns and VAT returns; notification of late-filing and penalties; legal notices; requests to inspect statutory records; and information about PAYE and NSSA contributions.
  • It is the official inspection location of statutory company registers and records.
  • You can only have one registered office address at any given time.
  • You do not have to work or trade from your registered office address.

Postal address

This is an official contact address used by the Companies Registry and ZIMRA to deliver statutory and legal mail for the attention of an individual director, secretary or member(s)/shareholder(s). It is not the same as a registered office address but it can be the same.

Requirements, restrictions and options

  • Can be situated anywhere in Zimbabwe or overseas, regardless of where the company is registered.
  • Address details will be made available to the public on the Companies Registry official register of companies.
  • Must be a physical address, and you must provide the full mailing address.
  • You may use a private residential address as a service address, or you can use a professional commercial address to protect the privacy of your home. Remember: your service address details will appear on public record.
  • Your service address can be the same as your registered office address.
  • Principal purpose of a service address is to receive statutory and legal mail from Companies Registry and ZIMRA relating to your role as a company director, company secretary, or member/shareholder.
  • A service address can be easily changed at any time after registration by taking advantage of our company address change service.
  • You can only have one postal address at any given time.
  • You do not have to work from your service address.
  • Many company secretaries simply state ‘Postal Address’ as their service address. In such instances, their service address details must be recorded as such in the proposed company’s register of secretaries.

E-mail address

This is also an official contact address used by the Companies Registry and to deliver statutory and legal mail for the attention of an individual director, secretary or shareholders.

Requirements, restrictions and options

  • Can be Gmail, or any other email address.
  • E-mail address details will be made available to the public on the Companies Registry official register of companies.
  • Principal purpose of a service address is to receive statutory and legal mail electronically from Companies Registry and ZIMRA relating to your role as a company director, company secretary, or member/shareholder.
  • An email address can be easily changed at any time after registration by taking advantage of our company address change service.
  • You can only have one email address at any given time.

Changing address details after registration

You must notify Companies Registry within 21 days of changing any of your addresses. This is an incredibly simple procedure that can be done through our company address change service.



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