Allotment of shares
The allotment of shares is essentially the process by which companies issue new shares to shareholders, who may themselves be new or existing shareholders either from the share reserve or after creating a new class of shares. Companies can issue shares to both individuals and corporate bodies.
We offer a professional service for clients who wish to allot shares in their company, including the filing of the Companies Registry forms and all other paperwork necessary to keep your company records up-to-date and compliant.
What’s included in our price?
- File search and statutory report
- Minutes: Companies are required by the Companies and Other Business Entities act [Chapter 24:31] to maintain minutes of all meetings of the directors, and for these to be available for inspection by any director. The director(s) should pass minutes exercise a share of allotment
- Return of allotment which notifies the registry of the share allotment
- Current updated annual return
- Updated register of members
- Registry fees
Please note:
- Prices do not include updating the company’s annual returns and share capital re-denomination.